Amy Schumer, Connie Britton, Brandi Chastain, Meena Harris, Sheryl Sandberg, Tekedra Mawakana, and Tory Burch among the bold name investors...
The Brookfield Sustainability Institute at Toronto's George Brown College (GBC) has partnered with Canadian responsible fashion tech startup, SIXR, to...
Yoox Net-A-PorterGroup (YNAP) is continuing its campaign to boost young women’s awareness of tech careers as new research shows that...
Unknown Union Human Experince Unknown Union Sets the Stage for Luxury Fashion with Exclusive Grand Opening Bridging Fashion Through Culture...
Learn more about the latest innovations that will shape fashion in the year ahead, join us in person at the...
The Fashion and Design Center (FDC) is an integral part of Egypt’s Ministry of Trade and Industry. FDC has undergone...